Sketching an experience of place
Movement and its limitation within an environment is a visual-spatial presentation which responds to the vibrancy of partaking in an assemblage, and to the ambivalence of living in a borderland. The sketching process employed in the making of the artworks occurs through an interface between painting, sculpting and printing. It entails a movement between the painterly and the linear, and of opacities and translucencies. The sketches dwell on a sense of place, and an experience of place: they are speculative; they are arrangements of possible encounters; they are expressions of the uncertainties entailed in a human relationship to place.
Anzaldúa, G. (2012). Borderlands. San Francisco, CA: Aunt Lute Books.
DeLanda, M. (2006). A new philosophy of society. London: Continuum.
Malpas, J. (2010). Place and experience. New York, NY [u.a.]: Cambridge Univ. Press.